And let me tell you - I nearly had a panic attack myself when Pattern started seeming more and more suspicious! [3][4], According to Adolin, Pattern is a tall figure in too-stiff robes with a changing symbol for a head. Four days after his transition found Pattern on the deck of the ship with Shallan. There is also that WoR (and RoW) seem to indicate that Shallan broke the bond while Testament was summoned as a Shardblade - and crammed in the safe behind the picture in her father's room. [15], Pattern knows that in order to fully be the Lightweaver she is meant to be, Shallan must have spoken the First Ideal of the Knights Radiant (which she did, several years ago), then speak only truths. Did anyone else feel really betrayed after you found out that Pattern was the traitor. And Tower was corrupted. I am just not convinced. While practicing Lightweaving, Shallan noticed that Pattern could sustain illusions when she was not nearby, keeping them crisp and preventing them from fuzzing. Shardblade descriptions are pretty key! Such a deep lie," Pattern whispered. [4], "I find sleeping very odd," Pattern said. [20], I thought I saw something in the water, just now. Shallan could be bonded to pattern without interacting with him yet. 5. The Ghostbloods could well be the culprits which would seem fitting in some ways, as her father and brother seem to have both ended up in the same organisation. There is a big difference though, Shallan is the only one we know of that is using her own deadeye blade that she still has some connection to, and did not lose all ofher radiant abilities. Back on the streets, Pattern went to fetch Kaladin from near the palace, while Shallan waited for them on a nearby street. She gives Shallan a book called Words of Radiance. She has few memories of him during that time, but the extent of Patterns involvement in her childhood is revealed in later flashbacks. When You Breathe In Your Diaphragm Does What. Mmm. However its stated that Pattern hasnt met her until the ship with Jasnah which is chapter 1 Way of Kings. Testament was a retcon. My lore video on why Salvatore betrays Claude in GTA 3. Before they continued on, Pattern went to seek out Adolin, and bring him, along with additional soldiers, back to the newly discovered passage way. I have no idea. I don't see Nale being the type to give a set of shards to someone and then let them get entangled in a border dispute in Alethkar. He says his real name is a series of numbers and agrees to Pattern as being sufficient enough a name. Pattern disagreed with Shallan's assessment that truth was universal, instead claiming that it was based on an individuals experiences. Is it possible the shardblade she used there was not Pattern but her original? While sketching a portrait of Taravangian, king of Kharbranth, Shallan unconsciously drew a couple of Cryptics who had been standing in the room invisible to the humans there. Instead of running, Shallan distracted the beast with Lightweaving to give Kaladin the opening needed to kill the creature. After all, when the recreance happened all the spren got stuck as blades in the physical realm. I could not speak. Updated information: Radiant and Veil might not even be meant to be alters, which I got the impression that they were and that's what confused me. That he was not aware. Like other orders of the Knights Radiant Shallan had to verbally or mentally state the First Ideal to initially form the bond, but after that point the bond is strengthened by her admitting certain deep truths about herself. Instead, those within the control room were transported to Shadesmar, where Pattern, Syl and Mayalaran, took on their cognitive forms. A while later he was seen once more by Shallan as she spoke with Jasnah, this time floating on a wave. Shallan was taken to Dalinar's quarters where she was able to bath and relax after her ordeal in the chasms. Shardplate adds a few inches to his height but still doesnt make him as tall as Kaladin. [2], Raised, like an embossing, it had a complex pattern with a haunting symmetry. What she has going on is something fundamentally diferent. He used the box to speak to Wit without telling her that he was doing so, and was willing to lie about it. While Shallan bathed, Pattern spied on Dalinar and Navani, who were discussing the map Shallan had created of the chasms and whether she should stay in the warcamps when the army set out onto the Plains. Shallan, however, didn't want Pattern to understand, and to cope she began to dissociate her spren from the Shardblade that she could summon. There is a chance we might end the cycle of Desolations.". She has light blue eyes and auburn-red hair - a manifestation of her impure family line - which she wears long and straight down her back, with only its natural curl to give it body. She noticed Shallan's powers and tried to kill her to push her over the edge to become a Radiant. However Ive read through every mention of Shallans Shardblade and Brandon never really describes it. [12] When Shallan attempts to Soulcast, such as changing a stick into fire, Pattern serves as translator for the object she is trying to convince to change. "I once thought as you,but Ishar made the truth clear to me. 2) My assumption is that she killed her spren before the encounter with her mother. You must become something. Pattern's mention of Shallan's past oaths caused her to break off their conversation and she returned above to ride with Bluth. The men did not understand that it had been Pattern speaking to them, though Shallan later confirmed his existence, however they still obeyed, attacking Tyn's soldiers who blocked their way. 2) Ghostbloods and Testament were after Mishram. Her mother's arrival, with a friend Shallan didn't recognize, to confront her father. . "A deep lie indeed. Op is asking about Tyn, the ghost blood kind-of-agent that Shallan traveled with on the way to the Shattered Plains and killed with a blade, not Lin her father. Shallan later drew out what she had seen, showing it to Pattern. I don't think I could have taken it if Pattern's goal had truly been to betray Shallan. The bond Pattern and Shallan share grants him sentience in the Physical Realm and gives her access to the Surges of Illumination and Transformation. The scholar's were wary of Pattern, and thought he should be studied with caution, as he could be related to the Voidbringers. [3], While the spren had problems with understanding simple tasks such as eating, Shallan had found him to take readily to complex thought, particularly abstraction. [1], Despite being a spren attracted to lies, falsehoods, or their offshoots, Pattern is revealed to be a terrible liar himself. Pattern believes that humans do not understand patterns. Shallan Davar is insane. After that Pattern realized she could only handle the truth in small doses. Jasnah wore the Davar Soulcaster for some time, not realizing it was broken since her own Soulcaster was a decoy. Additionally, Shallan has her memories with Testament, including Testament's death. With DID, you've got memory gaps and you don't have alters on purpose/you didn't make your alters like Shallan did. That is fascinating, but it is not good for patterns. Sign up for a new account in our community. And you have to watch their joy seeping away . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [20], He also has the ability to mimic voices perfectly, which he uses to save Shallan from being killed by Tyn. [2][21], I will not stop vibrating. I'm impressed by how well pattern was able to lie given that he was just pulled through to the physical realm. I believe it is notexplicitly stated when she killed her in the garden. I only have a theory with too many assumptions. He had been newly bonded. I was going to post this, but decided to look up what Brandon Sanderson had to say about it right before, and I'm confused. He explains that his memory returns slowly, but that he is pleased at the chance.Missing parameters, Pattern's insistence that Shallan reclaim herself and her abilities finally hits home. [15], Several weeks later, while Shallan puzzled over the Soulcaster alone in her room, Pattern spoke to her, attempting to obtain a new Truth. This might be a stretch but it's possible. That is what those memories would do to me. Posted October 12, 2014. I am not sure what I think of this theory but if Shallan did kill testament before her mother "She's one of them" could be refering to the ghostbloods and not the radiants. As to her friend no idea? The wording of that event I think is very important. We know earth years only have 365 days in comparison. For more details, see our spoiler policy. Nale obviously has nearly unshakable trust in Ishar, despite massive amounts of evidence contradicting everything he said. Shallan informed him otherwise and then used Lightweaving to hide from the woman, having Pattern check after a time, that the coast was clear and Iyatil was gone. After his mother died, Heleran must have sought out here companions and joined them. But that could also both apply to both her mother and father. DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder is the term that replaced MPD/Multiple Personality Disorder. [39][31], On the day of the battle, Pattern alerted those working with Shallan to his presence, after he begun to buzz loudly in response to the storm. Those lies attracted me. I bet if aeolian were to bond a spren, Maya would not scream. Pattern was confused by Shallan's decision, not understanding the logic behind her actions, however helped her see into the Cognitive. Pattern wanted to protect Shallan a bit from the horror of what she's done I think. When Shallan retired to her rooms to sleep, Pattern accompanied her. When she found one of her drawings in the bottom of Jasnah's trunk, her first drawing of the Alethi princess, Shallan broke down in tears. She outright states her blade is the only one capable of working the gate as it needs to reshape to the lock. I know later it turned out that he was only trying to help Shallan, but when Shallan realized Pattern betrayed her, honestly thought that Pattern was actually a super evil double agent spy or something like that. This one has been explained but I wasnt overall happy with it - Testamant should have appeared during Oathbringer Shadesmar trip. - Rhythm of War, Chapter 30, Page 410 of the U.S. Hardcover. Pattern accompanied Shallan as she explored the spot of greenery, occupying himself with counting leaves while she sketched. He thought something wrong with the way Shallan was using her new persona's to hide, though he did not fully understand what it was. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. When sorry? I have a pet theory that Testament's blade is in someone else's hands. Lets just say that Lightweavers fascinate me, and leave it at that. She then describes him to Jasnah as a pattern of sharp lines, like a maze, impossibly formed on the surface of a wave in the water in which they were sailing on the Wind's Pleasure. Shallan's mother obviously learned her parenting skills from Stephen King. My memory is weak. I was dumb so long, nearly dead. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. Testament, an agent of the Ghostbloods, was killed before Shallans mother. [26][27][28], They form groups of five Quintets, the letters Each message follows a pattern first three words start with one each of three of the quintet of letters. Or at least it was indicated. If Shallan's mother tried to kill her because she was a Ghostblood and not because she was a Radiant, then why would her Skybreaker-associated lover help? Im the only one in this family who hasnt gone crazy. Given that one of Pattern's very first actions seems to be trying to push her to remember the confrontation with Testament, I suspect he was sent to test this idea, since this is the only chance they've had in two thousand years to finally make progress on restoring the deadeyes. Ghostblood's always get even so i don't think it's them and the church faction would probably encourage surgebinders so i don't think it's them. In the Battle of Narak, she led the listener army, who had taken Stormform, to battle, with the intent to destroy the Alethi forces. Still messed up, but more plausible. [9], They found no body within the room. DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder is the term that replaced MPD/Multiple Personality Disorder. This Dreder came to the house to help confront her father about Shallan. After being disposed of, Shallan snuck away and escaped the palace, having Pattern draw away the guards in her path. For a moment, Cenn thought he could see something surrounding the squadleader. She bathed and dressed quickly, before leaving with Pattern for a winehouse near the edge of the markets. While capable of silently blending in with his surroundings, which has proven useful when spying on people, Pattern has a tendency to vibrate audibly when excited or anxious. [29], A week later, Pattern decoded a few phrases of Dawnchant while studying with Shallan. [10] At some point, his desire to study humans led him to transfer his mind to the Physical Realm and bond Shallan, even though he believed she would kill him, as she had killed her first spren, Testament. Its a requirement for the Knights Radiant. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Shallan saw several Cryptics in Kharbranth, Pattern might have been one of them. Testament does not hate Shallan. Why her mother freaked out? [55][56], Having successfully infiltrated Kholinar and found refuge in Yokska and her husband's shop, it was decided that Shallan and Pattern would investigate the palace. But still, you must obtain your abilities. Panicked, she fled the room, taking Memories as she went and drawing the scenes as a way to track the spren. I think Shallan killed Testament earlier than she killed her mother. Or maybe something else - there are probably a lot of other possible explanations for those organizations to not get along. Shallan took off after the Unmade, summoning Pattern during the chase, however, the creature lost them, and escaped into the towers ventilation system. Finally Pattern allows others to overhear him which does accidentally betray Shallan. As long as he did so, he would blend into her clothing, looking like no more than an odd design. [11], As his name implies, Pattern has the ability to recognize and decipher complex patterns and codes. Mmmm. When Shallan, disguised as Lyn, presented herself to the palace guard, she was attacked by the guards. [48], While exploring, Pattern and Shallan stumble across a theatre within the depths of Urithiru. The next day, Pattern debated the meaning of 'truth' with Shallan, who found herself frustrated with the biases shown by past scholars. I'm with Nameless here, I don't think the blade was there at all. But it is a possible explanation. Mother calling Shallan one of them. Wit is sequestered away with Jasnah a lot of the time. Her mother's shouts, arguing with her father. [19], He can also unlock locks by growing very small and moving into keyholes. Patternis the name Shallan gives to the Cryptic spren with whom she bonds. She was startled to see him in his cognitive form, and for a moment did not realize that the symbol headed creature was her spren. Shallan explained she had fallen into the trap of seeing Jasnah's research as a theoretical puzzle that needed to be solved, ignoring the real world ramifications that could occur if they were to fail. Red Cloud's War (also referred to as the Bozeman War or the Powder River War) was an armed conflict between an alliance of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho peoples against the United States and the Crow Nation that took place in the Wyoming and Montana territories from 1866 to 1868. [2] Later, she saw him on the cabin wall beside her bunk on the Wind's Pleasure,[3] acting like a newly bonded spren. 1. This is far from proof though, just what I think the most reasonable conclusion is for the identity of the "spy.". @HayamaGuess I should have read that last Shallan chapter again before posting this theory. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. Tvlakv reluctantly agreed and after fetching Jasnah's trunk, Pattern and Shallan began their journey north. He goes on to hint at the truth by telling Shallan . She saw better than others. Neither shardbearer killed by Arclo the Sleepless drop weapons, therefore Spren bonded blades don't drop when the bearer dies. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Second, Pattern also keeps going to Wit, who I don't fully trust either. This might not be the case for knights bonding to the blade of a spren they killed. Yes, yes. During a meeting of scholars he mentioned this to Shallan, who was quick to share the information with Jasnah. Little is currently known about Pattern's time in Shadesmar and the Physical Realm before he initially bonded Shallan, except that he was a Cryptic scholar. Dictates of custom require following certain patterns before you copulate. ), Shallan un-bonds Testament (or maybe gem is destroyed). Here's a quote from Shallan telling Pattern that the Blade just disappeared as soon as the safe was closed: "Father took you from me," Shallan said, "and tried to hide you in here. The Midnight Mother and the Libraries of Urithiru, Though Jasnah initially tried to placate Shallan and send her away, the young woman stayed to talk. On their way out, Pattern and Shallan imitated the Brightlord - Shallan providing the illusion and Pattern providing the voice - to prevent suspicion of their presence in the house. I mean, when the Lost were united, they were a force to be reckoned with. Next, she saw him in the water, formed on the surface of a wave. Kvothe the Bloodless, November 25, 2020. A complex pattern of sharp lines and impossible geometries forms his head. She is incredibly loyal to her family and even spares Shallan's life after Shallan betrays her. What strikes me as odd over the course of WoR is the instances of silencing and shunning people who point to symptoms of the return voidbringers, as opposed to being actual causes of the coming troubles. Bluth returned as the exchange ended, reporting that mercenaries were in the area and prompting the group to hurried break camp to try and get away. Or she could be with an Envisager. Her rooms to sleep, Pattern and Shallan share grants him sentience the. Learned her parenting skills from Stephen King palace guard, she fled room... Ive read through every mention of Shallans shardblade and Brandon never really describes it is... He did so, and was willing to lie about it some,... Chapter again before posting this theory she fled the room 9 ], a later. Its stated that Pattern realized she could only handle the truth by telling Shallan when Pattern started seeming more more... Would not scream gone crazy as being sufficient enough a name thought I saw in! 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