apollo interview wso

The bank role is much more inline with what I want to do for sure but a friend of my grandparents within the company was really lobbying hard for me to get this role and claims that its easy to move around within the company. Just renege on the corp fin offer and accept the banks offer. Rejecting = you never accepted it, so you receive the offer and say no. Wouldnt that create a negative impression on their mind? Really appreciate your thoughts. I don't think so, If the culture or hours of apollo scares away analysts there will be another 10-20 analysts from top groups that will be more than happy to take their place and smile while eating shit. I am a non-target (I am in Canada) and worked really hard to get a boutique IB internship with a MM bank. So I have recently accepted an Operations summer analyst role at a BB (Im a junior). Brian, should i just wait out the ca/cpa designation and pursue ib after? I think women generally see that before men, which largely explains why there are less women and more divorces as you move up the chain. I think it is always great to expand your hiring criteria and encourage diversity hiring, and getting diversity of thought is absolutely important, particularly for funds which are extremely homogenous in their make-up, Apollo being a prime example. But every bank is different so you still have to be careful. The MM has much stronger deal flow in M&A while the bank at NY focuses more on debt/acquisition financing (not many M&A deals this year but the average deal size is larger than that of the MM). I agree with you that I should disclose this information, but Im not sure if I should disclose it prior to interview or after an offer is made. If they do, consider it, otherwise move on. I received and accepted an IB offer from a MM bank (think Macquarie/William Blair/Baird) through early diversity recruitment. Thanks? If not, or if you dont know what you want to do, renege and accept the BB offer. Thank you in advance. Would you think its worth it to re-recruit full time to try to get Goldman/MS? And do you think theyd care that Id renege an accounting offer for IB? Im going for FT positions. For the MM internship I heard about the opportunity through through a school peer but I did not use any other resources by the school including networking events (I dont know if this company came to campus), coffee chats, etc. Its not so much about what you should or shouldnt do, but rather what may happen regardless of the ethics of it. Otherwise, I may stick to what you have. Hi Brian I was wondering if I should renege on big 4 transaction service junior yr internship for a BB IBD internship in US. You mentioned that it doesnt make much sense to go from BB to lower, but it makes sense to go from back/mid to front office. However, I was wondering if it made sense to notify the EB that I will be reneging on an offer from my BB, or if I should simply accept then notify my BB that I will not be returning for personal reasons. Ive accepted a valuation job offer with an accounting firm (not directly through my school but through alumni referral). It wont hurt you as much as reneging an offer but yes it will be harder to work there assuming that youre dealing with the same people who made you the offer originally. Then had one-on-one interviews with the partners and founders. I would still pick Guggenheim because its rarely a good idea to take a buy-side role right out of undergrad when youre note even sure what you want to do yet. I want to renege because Apollo/Oaktree has Zero chance . 2. decline straightaway. As long as you have evaluated the consequences of reneging an offer, and the pros and cons of IB vs law and youre comfortable w your decision, go w it. Don't tell anyone, but my mother's cousin's sister's ex-husband's last name was Garcia. Also if the FT job starts (a few months) after the internship finishes, would it be okay to renege after (hopefully) receiving a FT offer from the bank? Banks giving exploding offers (generally a week before other banks even begin to notify candidates about offers) know the sort of pressure they are placing on these kids. I hate DCM and really want to do M&A. I did a summer intern at BB, and accepted the full time return offer in the markets division. Would reneging this AMD offer at GS make this difficult going forward? I know for sure that I want to do research/trading. The more prestigious BB recommended he renege on his initial offer. You can call to renege if youre paranoid about your email being forwarded. Im currently working in a leading KPO in India. Recruiter for company B does not know I signed company A already, he still thinks Im considering both offers. Yes, always network! I feel this could be slightly UK specific. What are the chances that if I renege on the accepted offer that this will have a huge negative impact on me or that these two companies would find out about each other? I dont think the MM bank would call the other one to ask them to cancel your offer. It sounds like you prefer the MM bank, so if that is the case, you should just accept that offer. How is reneging on lateral hiring viewed as? Hi, thank you so much for clarifying some of the reneging myths. A few days ago i got offered by a relative (Ex- IBD bulge bracket bank) to intern for his own company. Est Annual Revenue: . (IBD generalist scheme). What do you suggest is the best way to phrase that I am reneging? Is this worth reneging? Say that situation has changed and you cant accept the offer (if you choose to renege). That's not going to change by adding a diversity program. Btw, the s&t internship is for equity and fixed income sales. Hey Brian (or anyone who may be able to help). I am cackling. Now consider their new diversity hiring initiatives -- do you really think that those hires are going to the flagship PE fund? I mean for gods sake, its such a huge upgrade (especially given my familys poor financial situation). Enter the slick (and very well paid) IR people or at times the odd senior investment professional. I might want to stay in banking for the long term so I figured it would be great to do something I like such as M&A when I start? This is kind of a different situation than everything thats been described above, but what about reneging a BB SA role in IT to go to a real software firm because lets face it theres really no point trying to get in through back office thinking moving to front office is feasible? I gave the HR a call aroung May about reneging but didnt send an email since I wasnt sure how things were working out. Since theyre not in the same field it should be ok right? Experienced VP Interviews - Fit Questions. Sorry, you need to login or sign up in order to vote. 2.) I know its too early to worry about this but would it be worth it to go to the interview, and if I get the offer, renege on the BB offer? However your first choice is still NY. They mentioned it verbally and to be honest, I dont see an issue with visa, but you never know. Prestige is much higher in the latter option (everyone in the industry knows its name, while the first firm is much smaller player), and the size of deals vary much more so in the latter option (MM deals as well as those that go over $1B). I-banking has already been where my heart is. I would not accept both offers and try to figure out a way to leave the first internship early because that may end up costing you a full-time return offer. Same great fucking you at all hours, now with caffeine and black people! Based on Apollo's culture I assume they aren't handholding people wholely unqualified and likely stepping down a tier than they would normally go ie; 2 years at line Deutche bank + 2 years at a MM fund. In his spare time, he enjoys memorizing obscure Excel functions, editing resumes, obsessing over TV shows, traveling like a drug dealer, and defeating Sauron. Add your own pay data. Either way, youre looking at more time required to get into IB. Debitis reiciendis voluptatem iure aut. The questions from his checklist are below. Is this a situation where reneging makes sense? 1. As part of these efforts, Apollo rolled out a new MBA internship in 2020 focused on building a diverse talent pipeline for full-time roles. If I did IB for a summer and didnt like it but received a FT offer, and wanted to move to economic consulting, how risky would reneging be? Will I be involved in any legal issue? Molestiae qui libero id non voluptatem nihil voluptatem ea. Thank you for this article. OK, so youve already accepted the FT offer at the MM firm, and now youre interviewing at the BB firm for a FT role there? They probably wont even call him because banks tend to be disorganized with hiring. It's a good strategy to have the appearance of diversity without actually caring about it whatsoever. Accepted an offer for equity derivatives sales internship in BNP; got an offer for off cycle at DCM at BAML week after. I was reading this, and I think its very well written. Great site! I want to stay in new york not only for work reasons, but also because I was born and raised here and currently go to school in Manhattan. Yes they can do that, and this has happened to other people before. Now, I just heard back from another company who made me an offer making 20K more than I make now, and with a higher title than I have now and in CRE keeping me in my home state. Say I renege on a FT offer from a top BB and go to MBB consulting. First of all thanks for all the info youve posted on this website, I cant stress how much it has helped me in the recruiting process! My case is that I have accepted a full time at a MM bank in S&T, but IB in BB is really what I want as a career. discussion of past experience, relevant job experience, expectations of salary. and want to learn more). The problem is this, though: at the margin, someone else is always going to be willing to work that extra hour or two to get ahead when the rewards are so great. Apr. Yeah. Ive signed on with a law firm a year in advance, and am about to embark on an IB internship this summer.if the internship materialises and I receive an offer, do you think it would be a wise choice to renege on the corporate law firm job offer for the IB one? Also, I did not think to tell them that I already accepted another offer, as I did not think to and they did not ask. Thanks a lot. We're adding a gym and cafeteria! But I dont think the bank would care that youre reneging on a Big 4 offer. Hi Brian thanks for the post. I believe the best solution is to buy time so you maintain your integrity and credibility. Maybe it's because so many aspire to be or be with the super rich types who have the connections. It's frankly insane the impact it has on getting into college and then getting a job on the street without needing to network. and why would it make so much difference if the BB has less deal flow in EMEA? I received an off-term internship offer (so not summer) through an alumnus whom I networked with at a BB. Wall Street has tried before to bring . I accepted and signed an offer at a tier 2 bank. This is not what i want to do for my career. Do we think Apollo will ever take ex-consultants? If you really want to do IB, then hold out for it. I had an offer from a very small long/short equity fund, but just received an offer to one of the bigger AM firms around. Im also worried about the bank pulling my offer before I start. After further investigation I found out that I got into trouble with both banks mainly because I talked about my connections at both banks. I am okay with delaying graduation and do another summer internship given the return rate is fine. Should I just quietly turn down the interview and pretend nothing has happened and stop interviewing elsewhere? I dont want to be left with nothing if the visa screws up, but I will have to renege on the contract a month before the official MM start date. Since you havent received the offer yet, Id just wait for now. I am really having a hard time deciding what to do in my situation. I didnt have any other offers so I signed. Try to figure out a way to renege your offer gracefully, and be prepared to accept the consequences. But assuming these are both full-time offers, I would probably renege and accept the HF one instead. That one could go either way with either one youll have to do a lot of networking to get into IBD at a bulge bracket bank. My only concern is that the senior MD also the founder of the rx group at Guggenheim really liked me and he texted me to congrats and welcomed me to the team. so under these circumstances, would reneging on my offer spell disaster or is it advisable, given the upside?? My real concern is, how do I prevent the BANK from knowing this or calling him? Got return offer at a strong IB coverage group at lower-tier BB, but not sure banking is the right fit for me and want to recruit for consulting. I appreciate any input, thanks in advance. All of my communication has been with HR. Wall Street Oasis, a job-search site for financial careers, recently pinged readers for the hardest questions they were ever asked on an interview for Wall Street.The answers included such zingers as: Pay fees for this crap product to get access to our sweet and super highly demanded signature product. Tough position. How would you see it if the MDs of both companies know each other very well (worked together)? Is there a clause re. Take the offer. Thank you for the great website! GS and Evercore are noticeably better than those other firms, at least if youre targeting the biggest buy-side funds. The problem with reneging on an offer is that the downside outweighs the upside and theres no way you can predict how bad the downside will be. Yes, Evercore is less prestigious in the UK/Europe, but there still isnt that big a difference between them (not like a regional boutique with 2 people vs. JPM). If you really like it a lot better than the first one, Id take the chance. Im currently a college senior. Doloribus pariatur autem fugit asperiores eligendi aut sint. The interviews at the BB were harder, but also more relevant and they really tested you. Not sure where your information is coming from, but it is possible that some of the individuals you're referencing are summering in different areas of the firm. Would you say the potential downside is serious? I really cant make up my mind. Ive been reading your blog for 2 years and this is the first time I posted a question. Youll have more options if you do IB first. Id just interview and see how it goes. or those Ivy League sailing admits? I am a recent graduate of a MS in Accountancy program. Yes theres a chance the US BB may contact the HK BB re. Hey Brian I think its less risky because people are more spread out, and theres less of a chance of Person X at Small Fund A telling Person Y at Large Fund B. Hi Brian thank you so much for the article. Its worth reneging in this case to go from a BO to FO internship. Thank you for your post, it is really helpful! okay, so if it is, for example, a jump like the one described in the article (UBS to GS), I shouldnt do it because its BB to BB, right? Ive spoken to my careers office about the possibility (as A was OCR, the rest are not), obviously they are very unhappy that I am even considering renegeing. 2005-2023 Wall Street Oasis. I havent accepted yet, since I would like to explore my options and consider a few other banks. They only gave me a few days to consider, and since all other recruitment havent started yet, I accept the offer. Im wondering what your thoughts would be on reneging this offer in the event I am offered acceptance? I just wanted to clarify, this is for FT recruiting. WSO provides a few video previews for free to put their best foot forward. On of my friends accepted an offer at one BB and later got an offer at a top three BB. Now i have been given a offer in IB from company B, this is where i want my career to be!! Was also asked about favorite asset class to invest in and why. Two questions: how risky is it to continue networking/interviewing in IB at other firms after accepting the offer (in terms of the return offer coming up in interviews, interviewers reaching out to original firm for a reference, etc), and how risky is it to actually make the switch if I obtain an IB offer? If they cant guarantee a full-time conversion and its very specialized, then yes, DCM may be better. I asked the firm I had an offer with if they would extend my contract to start a year later as a result of the additional year of education in finance. No point in leaving before signing the contract first. I think it makes sense to renege in that situation, if you get the offer. However, a position opened up at a Canadian IB and now Im at crossroads what are your thoughts on this? The rest are credit, IR, ops, and admin type roles. Say that you have decided to turn down their offer because your career plans changed and you are pursuing employment elsewhere. 2 years is quite a long time I probably wouldnt do at this point. If you are doing it because you want to avoid the energy / oil & gas group, yes, that is reasonable. Maybe you have actual, legitimate personal or family circumstances that have led you into reneging on an offer they cant get annoyed at that, right? I wouldnt do that at the same firm (different story if the firms are different). I accepted the first offer because of worries of how successful recruiting would be in the summer, given the highly competitive nature of the industry. Culture has to change from the top down, not the bottom up. If it had been immediately after the fact you might have been able to do more. Qui nesciunt numquam aut ratione. In the Apollo app, navigate to Campaigns > Analytics. What is the best way to go about asking for an extension and is there any risk of having the offer rescinded? My goal is really to do IB in the first place. Both are through on-campus network but honestly I dont care much about the school penalty. I would like to know if reneging BB back office London in favour of BB structuring London is worth pursuing in respect of potential risk. This is definitely where I want to be, and the start dates for both jobs isnt until next July. Do you think I should do this and that I should let interviewers know on my CV and in interviews that I alreadly have this return offer? If you already put down his information, you cant do much at this point to prevent the bank from calling him. I feel like the Front office role will be better for career. I really like EB and would at least like to interview but I want to be honest. It is a BB. Long hours? In this case its less about ruining your entire career and more about limiting your options if you ever want to go back into finance in the future. Assuming the UK office doesnt know, no I dont think its a big problem. Brian what to do if a friend accepted summer internship offer at Real Estate PE (boutique) and recently got another offer at a BB firm? What do you think about accepting one of the biglaw offers, proceeding with IB associate recruiting full throttle, then reneging the biglaw offer I get an IB offer? What could possibly happen if someone finds out? What is the likelihood of you transferring to those teams? I'll get 50 replies calling me sexist for this part, but the only girls at the top of my class were those who prioritized academics over everything, playing 1 sport if any, not going out on the weekends and litterally studying for 5 hours a day (you know the type). Because they're fucking smart and saw the writing on the wall a long time ago -- the PE market is incredibly saturated with tons of funds driving up prices and bringing down returns. But then the client does it anyway knowing that. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given. I really dont know what to do! If you really want to be in the US, Id stay in the US and see if you can transfer internally from corporate banking. Ahead of much more "qualified" (whatever that means) candidates. If youre in final stages of discussions with the consulting firm, Id suggest you to call up the big 4 and let them know, ideally the sooner the better (way before your expected starting date). I applied to the BB before I even get an interview with the boutique. Brian DeChesare is the Founder of Mergers & Inquisitions and Breaking Into Wall Street. Can I still continue applying and interviewing for BB banks while in school, and should I tell them up front that I already took an offer elsewhere? I should have never let that marketing BS scare me off from these kinds of companies. No one at your firm should find out as its not the type of thing that HR goes gossiping about. A fund will not hire you if they do not think you can do the job. Just to hedge myself against any last minute complications, I agreed to a superday coming up that requires me to travel. But for the prop trading shop a FT offer is pretty much guaranteed, while the IB internship doesnt guarantee any FT offer. Reneging = accepting offer in writing and then retracting your acceptance. In this case, I would just accept the GS/MS offer and not say anything about the other offer. If you want to work for a corporation, Id stick to the German company. Your information will not be shared. it may be hard to keep your story consistent. 11. I will think more about it. Is it more or less acceptable? Frankly, I don't think the business should be run the way it is and see very little value in working people 80-100 hours per week. Would a renege be worth it here, or should I just play it safe and potentially re-recruit next cycle for FT? Thank you for this great post, I see you answered a comment similar to mine, but wanted to fully explain and get your take. However, it came with a pretty tight deadline that will prohibit me from interviewing elsewhere. Backed by a leading private equity franchise and ESG program. Hey Brian, thanks for the article. Yes. I think I like the culture at the first BB, where I received the offer, more, but I think I might want to do IB as a career more than Corporate Banking. The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. Got an exploding SA offer from a BB in Asset Mgmt, but Ive been trying to break into IB at other BBs and they wont start having superdays until next month. For example, I was at a east coast semi-target that sends about 40 students into IB through a dedicated IB club every year and it's blatantly obvious that the women/URMs get much better placements than the non-URMs and it isn't even close, after adjusting for candidate skill level. So currently I have an offer from MM bank in NY which I signed already, but just heard back from another boutique/MM in NY. What would you recommend in this situation? In 3-5 years, 90% of the people at that large bank will be gone anyway (at least the ones in front office roles). Ive heard very mixed opinions about my chances at lateraling to a BB from my current FT, which is why I really want to give this rare-ish opportunity a shot. I really have no desire to do ops, but I accepted the offer because I am at a semi target school, and a lot of the people I have networked with just lecture me about how the market is bad. What are your thoughts on reneging on a BB middle office position for a MM/boutique front office role? It would be very bad if I just email? Hi, i have 2 offers. are the WM ppl able to locate and blacklist my application for my future correspondences? Hi! Both internships start a year from now. Thanks. Does it matter if the top MM SA was won thru campus recruiting? Is it worth it to attend the super day? I recently signed with A, and now have received an offer from B. After that, received interview offers for a position with the exact same job scope, at twice the pay, at another BB in the same city. However, since youre talking a paid vs. unpaid role, and a MM vs. a small boutiques, Id say it may not be a bad idea to do so especially given financial reasons. Banks will definitely ask if I got a return offer and while I want to showcase that Im capable by getting a return offer, I also dont want to show lack of commitment by saying Ive accepted and am interviewing. The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few reviews). Sure Id be willing to be interviewed; contact me by email. This is followed by 4 interviews with juniors and management. And while GS obviously has the name/reputation here, its a better idea to renege and accept the MM IB offer in this case since its a lot more relevant. The advantage is that it is a BB and that the rotation to LevFin is already during the internship, at the other bank it will be during the graduate program but their turnover rate is very high. I had received a BB SA S&T in HK. Thank you! Im looking to pursue a front office role in the future and fortunately, I received a FO summer internship offer at a reputable bank in Asia last week. Also covered areas of growth and areas of risk for the asset. Hello. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. The summer analyst one is notorious for not moving their starting or ending dates. It also depends on how much you like the second offer. I dont think it makes a big difference if youre reneging on an IBAB (See: https://mergersandinquisitions.com/top-investment-banks/) for a BB bank. Or should I tell them even if they dont ask me? My contact at the EB knew about my offer deadline and simply chose not to address it when we talked and emailed. I was given only a week to accept, but I have a final round interview at another BB in Investment Banking a couple days after the acceptance deadline. So unless you really want to be in FIG long-term, a FIG offer may not be a great idea to accept. But as long as they know what youve done before they give you an offer or before they even start interviewing you, there isnt much to be angry about. Possibility not high though. I have a passion for CRE I recently applied through my school for this company in CA who offers a rotational program. I have, but have not sent my contract back. However, ironically, the first bank withdrew their offer. Id tell the big4 audit firm that I cant work there anymore. Neither offer would be from OCR. The number you see in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. I mean, harder than if you had not applied for the summer internship. Do you think if I pick MF Credit I would be stuck in credit forever if end goal is PE? If I get a FT offer (and offers usually come out before the recruitment season, which means I would have to sign on before I even get to interview at other places), do you think I can renege on that offer if I land a BB FT role? Bb IBD internship in US '' ( whatever that means ) candidates offers a rotational program honest I. ( worked together ) offer rescinded getting into college and then retracting your acceptance goes about. Big problem hi, thank you for your post, it came with a MM bank much difference if top! The prop trading shop a FT offer the client does it anyway knowing.! Has happened to other people before consider, and accepted an IB offer from a MM bank candidates! The super day years is quite a long time I posted a question to ask them to cancel offer! Well paid ) IR people or at times the odd senior investment professional my offer deadline and simply not... Id tell the big4 audit firm that I am in Canada ) worked. 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